This month was a milestone for TLL. The biggest part of a clan is the first step to becoming one. We did that this month. With a vote which finished in 12 hours (from the time Inca began it to the time it finished) I feel like I should thank all the players involved with that. Thank you all. On a good reflection of the past 20 days so far, we've maintained an active member-base and activity on our forum. The website is still being updated and more and more content will be added as players come and go.
This month's promotions, recruits and members
Flame - Admin
Midori - Admin
Converse - Admin
Fonsi - Admin
Ragnaroek - Member
HuGZ - Member
EndofEverything - Member
KingofSpies - Member
DeadlyDreamer - Member
Ttamylno - Recruit
Alcatraz - Recruit
This month's Clan Hoppers
Hopefully next month will bring even more players and add even more updates to the website. Tomorrow begins the month of March and we're hoping it brings us much more! Go ahead and join us if interested