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Main » 2012 » May » 5 » Clan Changes
1:25 PM
Clan Changes
One of the issues of leading a clan is finding the time to actually participate in the playing aspect of Populous. I don't have the time to play anywhere near as often as 2 years ago and in some aspects, it's a mistake to judge players when you're not even apart of the game itself anymore. I've been out of the game for so long that it's time to alter the clan in a way that would be beneficial to the community and not the clan itself. TLL was never meant to be a top of the line clan, so in this value I'm going to make a couple big changes to the TLL clan again.

Change 1: TLL will be an open clan to all players. I don't care who you are. I don't care if you wear the tag. I don't care if you apply or ask for permission to join. TLL will now be open to all players and u can join with any skill levels without any vote system or recruitment process. I just don't care. If you can't speak English very well, there may be problems.

Change 2: I want to change TLL into an informative clan site. Some of what I offered to the members I'll make available to anyone. Clan history can be an informative section about each clan's history, not that too many people care already anyway and they can find the history on the respective clan's site. Player history can be a summary of what each player's history here at Populous includes. It's not limited to members anymore. If you want to take a couple of minutes to type something up, go for it and send it to me. I ll add it into the website so players can get a grasp on who it is that actually keeps Populous alive, not just for new players but for everyone.

Change 3: I'm going to create a new section for Tips and Tricks. There will be tricks that are explained in great detail including what they are good for and how to best use them. I will also create videos on how to properly do the glitches and with or without voice idk. I will of course, explain what I am doing in the video.

Change 4: Another plan is to add a section dedicated to training videos. Links will be provided to the youtube videos and I will not be able to embed the video into the website as of yet. I will create a youtube account specific to Populous where any submitted training videos can be found on that account. (I think I already have an account for Populous but unsure).

Change 5: I would like to implement my own Links page on here as well. A nice centralized location to finding anything and everything in 1 convenient place.

Change 6: I'm also going to do away with the member list. It's pretty pointless considering there is already a memberlist on The only unique piece about the memberlist is the not so descriptive information about a player. Not really a needed thing. I'm also going to edit the recruitment policy to give detail about joining to help update the website among other possible information I may include. Forums will be altered to how they were back when TLL wasn't a clan. They'll be open for players to mostly request updates, request downloads or offer assistance. Any other information is really pointless.

One of the most accessed parts of this website is the downloads. There are some downloads here that are difficult to find elsewhere and can be very useful to the Populous community. My plan is to incorporate all of the main programs here. The trick is that UCoZ site offers more space for the more users who access here. When I began, I had 400mb to play with and now, after a few months I have 422 mb to play with. It isn't too much more than before but it evidence to support a growing website.

Over the next couple weeks, these changes will be included into the website and things will begin to be different.

On a side note:
I've added PopEnhance, Symmetry Tool and MP Monitor to the download's section. Users can now rate downloads and pictures. Users can still comment on news and other information on the site where applicable. I encourage you to take advantage of this. 
Views: 10752 | Added by: Flame | Rating: 0.0/0
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